Job Information

Information pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation concerning the processing of personal data (GDPR – Reg. U.E. 679/16)

Pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation UE 679/16 we hereby provide the following information concerning the processing of your data.

Data controller is Enologica Vason Spa located in 37 Nassar St, San Pietro in Cariano – Verona – Italy which shall be contacted at e-mail address .

Information will be used, upon your consent to personal data processing, for the following purpose:

  • To evaluate your application for an eventual interest in a future contractual relationship to be determined in its content.

The above mentioned aim shall be pursued upon your optional manifestation of consent following the ways shown on the page of data collection. We shall remind you that any data marked with * (asterisk) must be provided in order to benefit from the services you are going to require; whenever those data should be missing it may be not possible to supply those services and data may not be collected, as it may be stated during the compiling step.

Compiling of other data on the form is optional so please feel free to consider whether enter them or not.

The data you provide shall be brought to the notice of processing controller’s operators involved in performing the services required or in website technical management (in cases where it is necessary only) and any other third parties involved in the performing of the same activities as processing officers.

Besides that, data provided shall be forwarded onto other companies being part of the group, to evaluate your application. Data will be retained until 24 months - except extensions for particular job positions- or upon your cancellation request and, in case of regulatory obligations, they might be stored in specific archives only as long as is strictly necessary for the mentioned purposes.

We shall remind you the faculty of exercise your right to ask the data controller to access, correct or delete personal data, or ask for a processing restriction that relates to you and to oppose the same processing, besides the right of data portability; you shall exercise your rights by the above mentioned contact details.

You can revoke your consent at any time by contacting the data controller via the email addresses provided or as per details on the processing means.

We shall also remind you the faculty of contacting the controlling Authority in order to lodge a complaint, the Italian data protection body competent is the Garante (

Further information about the data controller and processing ways following surfing on this website are available on the Privacy Policy page of the website itself.