INFOcus #2

INFOcus #2

Protein stability evaluation in white wines represents one of the more debated topics in the winemaking world.

The market and the scientific community offer various alternatives in terms of analytical methods for the determination of the protein instability: their purpose is to determine the optimal bentonite dosage to avoid the formation of haze caused by protein precipitation on the finished wine.

- READ ALSO: Evaluation of protein stability  

Perhaps, we witness a certain confusion among the users, since the methods return very different responses, with very different bentonite dosages required to reach the protein stability, at the end, precisely because the results were obtained with very different methods.

If can be affirmed that the different tests for wine’s protein stability determination rarely return the same results, the question then becomes: which is the more realistic test?

These considerations brought VASONGROUP R&D department to summarize in this INFOcus the results and considerations from a deep study that can provide indications on the methodology to adopt for precision protein stability.

Inside the downloadable document you will find: 

  • Factors responsible for protein instability
  • Main test descriptions used for protein stability and comparison between the obtained results
  • Correlation between the results of Proteotest® and the “Heat Test”
  • Proteotest® as a forecasting tool linked to the use of CMC and metatartaric acid
  • Conclusions and suggestions
  • Proteotest® 

READ the NEW INFOcus: New applications for precision protein stability


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