Effective stabiliser with preventive action against tartaric and colloidal precipitations.
ICON®STAB 2.0 has been designed to express the synergy of two polymers…
Intact long chain arabic gum, levorotatory and microfiltrable.
ICON® GUM is obtained from raw material coming…
Balanced formulation with antioxidant action
The most classic of the reductive vinification products, Flavour Save is a comp…
Gum arabic solution from Acacia seyal for the colloidal stabilization of the wine. Filterable: its characteristic structure enables dosing in wine witho…
A granulated product prepared from a fine selection of ellagic tannins.
Confers great resistance to oxidation, helpin…
Gradual-release polycompound antioxidant in tablet form
It comes in flat, bright, white tablets; ideal for being dosed onto crushed…
Potassium tartrate-based crystalliser for tartaric and calcium stability of wines
This crystalliser allows rapid crystal for…
Crystalliser for the rapid formation of bitartrate crystals
With a specifically designed composition, CRISTALLITE®<…
A granulated compound of catechinic, gallic and ellagic tannins that act synergistically for color stabilization of red wines.