Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of micro- and macro-molecules, all readily available/assimilable. It has a significant red…
Preservatives and Antioxidants
X-PRO® LIGHT is the solution for the selective removal of riboflavin.
It is the synergy between the specific chitin deri…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of readily available micro- and macro-molecules. It actively reacts with the vegetal and b…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of readily available micro- and macro-molecules. This actively reduces the vegetal and bit…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS) originating from the innovative X-PRO® process, characterised by a high content of readily available/assimilable micro- and macro-m…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of micro- and macro-molecules, all readily available/assimilable. It features clear aptitude for improving the characteristi…
Ascorbic acid and sulphur dioxide based formulation with antioxidant action.
Due to its balanced composition, V Antiox®
Granulated product obtained from an exclusive and balanced combination of gallic-condensed tannins, stabilized with natural polysaccharides, to preserving the va…
Grape and green tea tannin based reducing formulation for obtaining a protective action against oxygen in musts
The simultan…