SMARTGUM® is obtained from high quality Acacia verek, a botanical species capable of producing an exudate that has levorotatory power. It doesn’t contain sulphu…
Powdered gum arabic obtained from selected raw materials from Acacia Verek, used in the colloidal stabilization of wine.
Effective stabiliser with preventive action against tartaric and colloidal precipitations.
ICON®STAB 2.0 has been designed to express the synergy of two polymers…
Intact long chain arabic gum, levorotatory and microfiltrable.
ICON® GUM is obtained from raw material coming…
Gum arabic solution from Acacia seyal for the colloidal stabilization of the wine. Filterable: its characteristic structure enables dosing in wine witho…
Long-chain levorotatory gum arabic solution for the improved colloidal stabilization of wines and protection against the precipitation of color matter.
Integral levorotatory gum arabic in powder form. Product preparation does not involve the use of chemical or enzymatic treatments in the purification phase.
Gum arabic from Acacia Seyal, in solution, with a good stabilizing action. Its high purity enables dosing without substantial modification to the filterability i…