Carbossimetilcellulosa pura in soluzione, ad azione stabilizzante sulla componente tartarica dei vini.
V CMC L è la sua forma liquida, in soluzione al 20%.
Tartaric stability
Pure carboxymethyl cellulose solution with stabilising action on the tartaric component of wines
V CMC L is in liquid form, in 12.5…
Pure powdered carboxymethyl cellulose with stabilising action on the tartaric component of wines
V CMC is a very pure powder…
Very pure acidity corrector (E 336)
Ideal for late interventions, it is the solution that respects the original must and win…
Metatartaric acid with specific esterification index.
A highly effective stabiliser, META V® is produced from…
Potassium tartrate-based crystalliser for tartaric and calcium stability of wines
This crystalliser allows rapid crystal for…
Crystalliser for the rapid formation of bitartrate crystals
With a specifically designed composition, CRISTALLITE®<…
Very pure micronised crystalliser (E 336) for rapid precipitation of tartaric salts
A special selection from the company&rsq…