Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of micro- and macro-molecules, all readily available/assimilable. It has a significant red…
Search results for "X-PRO"
X-PRO® LIGHT is the solution for the selective removal of riboflavin.
It is the synergy between the specific chitin deri…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of readily available micro- and macro-molecules. It actively reacts with the vegetal and b…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of readily available micro- and macro-molecules. This actively reduces the vegetal and bit…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS) originating from the innovative X-PRO® process, characterised by a high content of readily available/assimilable micro- and macro-m…
Specific inactivated yeast (LIS), characterised by a high content of micro- and macro-molecules, all readily available/assimilable. It features clear aptitude for improving the characteristi…
Product based on specific inactivated yeast originating from the innovative X-PRO® process, characterised by a high content of polysaccharides associated with selected plant based chitos…
Polycompound clarifying agent with stabilizing action. It contains three synergistic elements: an inactivated yeast obtained through X-PRO® Process, fungal c…
A brand-new concept: integral fermentation activator based only on inactivated yeast. Thanks to the perfect amounts of ammoniacal nitrogen, microelements, sterol…